The Kansas Statehouse is home to the Kansas Legislature.

State Relations

The university's state relations team works with elected officials, policymakers and government agencies to advance KU's interests and connect university researchers with partners to serve Kansas.

A resource for KU faculty and staff

KU's state relations team serves a liaison between the university and Kansas policymakers. Specifically, our team works to:

  • advocate for policies and resources that benefit KU
  • connect faculty and staff with Kansas policymakers to help KU achieve its goals

We work closely with the Kansas Legislature, the Office of the Governor and various state agencies. We also partner with the Kansas Board of Regents and the other Regents universities to ensure that all Kansas higher education institutions are coordinated in their engagement with lawmakers.

We ask KU faculty and staff to connect with our office before engaging with governmental partners so we can provide you advice and ensure a consistent voice. For details, view our guidelines on engagement with government officials.

2024 Legislative Session

The 2024 legislative session has begun, and the Governor's budget proposal includes a number of enhancements to higher education funding. We appreciate and support the Governor’s recommendations, and we will spend the coming months advocating for lawmakers to include her proposals in the final budget.
The Statehouse is in Topeka, Kansas.


Chancellor Girod testified in Topeka this week.

Chancellor presents to House, Senate committees as part of KU Cancer Day in the Capitol

1/19/2024 -- Chancellor Douglas A. Girod and other KU leaders were in Topeka yesterday to discuss how the state can ensure Kansans have access to the best possible cancer care.
Photo of the KU campus.

Chancellor updates KU community on Governor's supportive budget proposal for higher education

1/19/2024 -- In a message to the university community, Chancellor Girod provides an update on the latest happenings in Topeka and share KU’s priorities for the weeks ahead.
The legislative session is underway

2024 Legislative Session begins Monday, January 8

1/8/2024 -- The 2024 Legislative Session begins Monday, January 8. Governor Kelly will release her Fiscal Year 2025 budget proposal on Thursday, January 11. Traditionally, each year the budget proposal serves as the starting point for legislative debate in the months that follow.
Students are everywhere on campus these days

A message of thanks to Kansas lawmakers for helping KU recruit its largest freshman class in history

9/27/2023 -- Chancellor Girod sends a message of thanks to legislators for helping KU recruit its largest freshman class in history.

KU Roundup

KU Roundup is a weekly newsletter for Kansas elected officials and others interested in the policymaking process.
View archived newsletters

Jayhawks for Higher Education

Want to help advocate for KU? Then join Jayhawks for Higher Education, the university's alumni advocacy group.
Your voice can make a huge difference in Topeka.
